Instituto Aupaba Turismo Regenerativo Logotipo verde

Governance of Instituto Aupaba

Governance of Instituto Aupaba


Instituto Aupaba Officially Presents Its Governance

Instituto Aupaba, a nonprofit organization, recently celebrated its first anniversary and with it, the inauguration of its Strategic Council. Under the leadership of Luciana De Lamare, co-founder and president, the institute stands out for its commitment to sustainable practices and innovative projects in regenerative tourism and territorial development.

The new Strategic Council brings together 40 leaders from the fields of Culture, Academia, Education, Tourism, Environment, and Political Science. According to Luciana De Lamare, this formation is a pioneering milestone in the sector, reflecting a governance model aligned with international compliance standards.

The organizational structure of the Institute is robust, comprising the Statutory Board, the Fiscal Council, the Governance Committee, and now, the Strategic Council. The latter will be chaired by Renata Vilarinho, a lawyer specializing in Environmental Law, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, and Mindfulness. With over 15 years of experience in sustainability, Vilarinho will lead a diverse team, including representatives from various regions of Brazil and countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, the United States, Chile, and Colombia.

Additionally, the Governance Committee, led by Patrícia Bentes, a professional with over 35 years of experience in corporate governance and risk management, includes prominent figures such as Dione Assis, founder of the BlackSisters in Law platform, and Simone Rovigatti, former director at IDG/Museum of Tomorrow. This group is committed to promoting governance practices that are both transparent and inclusive.

The main objectives of the council involve fostering diversity in the tourism sector, promoting integrated territorial development, and establishing partnerships that strengthen the capacities of local communities and institutions. This new body reflects the Institute’s commitment to inclusion, with 65% of its members being women, in addition to a Governance Committee and a Statutory Board with significant female representation, all committed leaders focused on diversity, inclusion, and sustainability.

With this new governance structure, Instituto Aupaba reinforces its commitment to promoting projects focused on regenerative culture for tourism and comprehensive territorial development, creating a positive impact on both local communities and the environment.

Strategic Council (2024-2026)

  • Renata Villarinho (President)
  • Aleksandra Ristovic
  • Antonio Tavares da Silva
  • António Marto
  • Arilmara Abade Bandeira
  • Beatriz (Tiza) Vidal
  • Carolina de Oliveira Machado
  • Bianca Maleck
  • Claudia Luna
  • Cristina Braga
  • Daniel Ribeiro
  • Emmanuel Rengade
  • Fabrinni Monteiro dos Santos
  • Fabio Campos
  • Fabio do Nascimento
  • Fabio Rubio Scarano
  • Conde Francisco Silva de Calheiros e Menezes
  • Guilherme Syrkis
  • Helen Pomposelli
  • Henrique Pistilli
  • Inessa Salomão
  • Jaqueline Ferreira Lima
  • Letícia Lima
  • Luana Cloper
  • Luana de Assis
  • Luciano Pereira
  • Luisa da Costa de Moraes
  • Marcela Escovar
  • Maria Alice Nunes de Campos
  • Maria Amália Silva Alves de Oliveira
  • Maria de Fatima da Silveira Santos
  • Mariana Scaldini
  • Maritta Rogalla von Bieberstein Koch-Weser
  • Nicolas Godel
  • Olivia Souza Cruz
  • Raúl Andrés Vergara Montoya
  • Sandro Madeira
  • Sergio Olaya
  • Stavroula Zervoulakou
  • Taíssa Lima Torres
  • Thini-á Fulni-ô

Governance Committee

  • Patrícia Bentes (President)
  • Dione Assis
  • Jane Sampaio
  • Renata Vilarinho
  • Simone Rovigati

Fiscal Council

  • Flávio Maleck
  • Pedro Leão Bispo
  • Claudia Jorgina Araújo da Costa

Statutory Board


  • Luciana De Lamare
  • Maurício Ruiz Brando
  • Jane Sampaio
  • Luciana Gama Muniz

The photo illustrating this article was kindly provided by Unsplash and photographer Ian Schneider.

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